Thanks for checking on the web page. My thanks to Melissa and Michael for setting up this site.
My name is Tim and I am often in the company of a notoriously good bass player, Dick Stenson. You can find us at some restaurants and wineries in Washington County and elsewhere. I invite you to look at the schedule.
I am a piano player, been at it for a good while. I usually sing along while
I play. You’ll recognize some of the tunes we play but not others. You see, I like to write songs and they are not widely known. We hope to make some inroads on that, perhaps even with this page.
Some time when I was around high school-age, I decided that I didn’t need to avoid being a singer-songwriter, just ‘cause I play piano (not guitar). So, I am still at it, in fact more at it than ever.
I hope you’ll come hear us. There’s a rumor that I’ll have an extended-play (seven songs or so) disc out, soon. I’ll keep writing on this page and keep you informed, in case you’d like to know.
Bye for now. And thanks for listening.
I'm glad to lend a hand!